More than a vacation, more than a travel experience.
Privé is an exclusive, members-only travel club offering a breathtaking collection of vacation destinations that go beyond a hotel experience in fully appointed and meticulously designed home-like accommodations.
Privé Privé

Privé Club

Privé is the only travel club that is exclusive enough to be anchored by the iconic Nobu Hotel brand, as well as by a diverse selection of brands in the Privé portfolio of properties — all connected by a shared level of luxury and exclusivity.

Privé members are able to build their vacations the way they want them — elevating their travel lifestyle and reflecting their desire for laid-back luxury while at home and on vacation. This comes with an added benefit that is coveted in today's fast-paced world — flexibility and personalization. Membership benefits can be used to each traveler's preference and customized to meet every person's unique vision of the perfect vacation.

Nobu Residences Los Cabos Grand Opening
Privé Club becomes a lifestyle for its members, who enjoy the absolute privacy, luxury, and elegance that Privé properties provide worldwide.